Milongas open and they close, some within a month, others after a couple of years.
Of the four that opened last month, one has closed temporarily. Alpine Village Tango Night organizers are in negotiations with the proprietor of that establishment, and they may be back by summer.
That milonga had promise for the tangueros who live in the more southern part of Los Angeles County and for Orange County dancers too. It has a nice sized floor and good sound system. The setting of the restaurant tables and chairs, however, didn’t allow for much socializing except for people whom you are sitting with. And for women, you have to be strategic as to where to sit to get an invitation to dance. But it had promise. Perhaps the organizers will work out something soon.
Milonga Feroz y Turquesa is having its second dance tonight with DJ Lampis, and Milonga @ LAX had its second event the 1st Sunday of this month. I did not attend the grand opening of the Grand Casino Milonga but from the photos posted on Facebook, it seemed like a great success, and many dancers also went to the 5th anniversary of the M3 monthly mobile milonga at Yvonne Caan’s home.
It’s hard work to put on a milonga. In addition to generating publicity–all the time–there’s the weekly or monthly preparation: setting up tables and chairs; buying the food and setting that up; scheduling and paying for DJs, teachers etc.; dealing with the owners of establishments; being a great host; making sure that floors stay clean; working the door; listening to complaints about music or bad dancers; and at the end of the night, or morning, cleaning up and putting everything away.
Los Angeles is lucky to have so many choices of milongas and practicas to fuel our passions.
Let’s not forget our other communities either–in Santa Barbara, Milonguita Grande is taking place with special guest teachers Korey and Adeline Ireland. Organizers Antonio Ganoa and Melanie Hutton have worked hard to bring the two for a whole tango weekend, plus their all night milonga tonight. Check out the info here: Milonguita Grande.
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